Loredana Nemes

Loredana Nemes


1972 | Born in Sibiu, Romania
1986 | Escapes from Romania and relocates in Aachen
1993-1999 | Studies German Philology and Mathematics at the RWTH Aachen University
2001 |  Moves to Berlin and begins her career as independent photographer
since 2006 | Teaches photography at the Art University Weißensee Berlin, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen, Ostkreuzschule Berlin, Goethe Institute, Hartford Art University
since 2017 | Member of the German Academy of Photography

2018 | Shortlisted at Nannen Price in the category Staged Photography
2016 | Lead Award in the category “Portrait” for beyond
2015 | Finalist in the category “Free Conceptual Work” of the Felix Schöller Photography with beyond
2013 | Awarded the Grenzgänger stipend by the Robert Bosch Stiftung for the series beautiful
2012 | Wins the photography competition Foreign, Reisebank Frankfurt a. M.
Awarded the City Ludwigsburg stipend for the realization of a project and a solo exhibition in the Museum Ludwigsburg
2011 | beyond comes into the selection of the Deutscher Fotobuchpreis
2010 | Selected to be shown at the New Positions booth at Art Cologne for the work beyond
2008 | Under Ground comes into the selection of the Deutscher Fotobuchpreis
2007 | Awarded Nomos Glashütte / SA stipend for the piece Glashütte
2006 | Awarded the VG Bild-Kunst stipend for the project beautiful

Selected exhibiotions
Solo show
2018 | GreedFearLove, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin
2017 | Nadelstreifen , DZ Bank, Frankfurt a. M.
2016 | Pinstripe, Podbielski Contemporary, Berlin
2014 | The Presentation, Podbielski Contemporary, Berlin
2010 | About Love, Schloss Neuhardenberg, Neuhardenberg
2010 | beyond, Museum Neukölln, Berlin
Group show
2018 | Loredana Nemes and Ingar Krauss, Photohaus Paris-Berlin, Arles
2017 | Weltenwanderer, Kunstmuseum Mühlheim
2016 |My Abstract World, me Collector’s Room, Olbricht Foundation, Berlin

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Selected works