Solo exhibition. New works from the series “Vestiges d’Empire” and “Veduta.
Opening 23.01.2025
Solo exhibition. New works from the series “Vestiges d’Empire” and “Veduta.
Opening 23.01.2025
event supporting “MEDICI SENZA FRONTIERE”
December 11, 2024 | 6.30 pm – 9 pm
Charity exhibition with unedited photos by Pierre André Podbielski.
PERSONALE | Florence di benedetto
Florence Di Benedetto solo show, curated by Mauro Zanchi.
Finissage: December 4, 2024 | 6.30 pm – 9 pm
Solo show | May 28th 2024
Madre materia
Group exhibition designed and curated by Christian Marinotti.
Andrea Botto, Fabio Barile (courtesy gallery Matèria, Rome), Florence Di Benedetto, Gabriele Basilico, Gaia Renis, Massimiliano Gatti, Silvia Bigi, Silvia Camporesi, Thomas Jorion
Loredana Nemes
“Greytree and Heavensea”: Loredana Nemes solo show
Lessons of Freedom. Notes for a trip to Iran, 1970-2023
LESSONS OF FREEDOM. NOTES FOR A TRIP TO IRAN, 1970 - 2023A group show curated by Rischa Paterlini 22 May - 30 July 2023 PRESS RELEASE Opening Hours: Tue-Fri: 2.30pm – 7pmSaturday: by appointment Where: PODBIELSKI CONTEMPORARYVia Vincenzo Monti, 12, 20123, Milano [artist_gallery...
EXILIUM a dialogue between the photographs of Massimiliano Gatti and Jacopo Valentini with a text by Carlo Sala Press Release 5th December Opening Hours: Wed-Fri: 3 pm – 7 pmSaturday: by appointment Where: PODBIELSKI CONTEMPORARYVia Vincenzo Monti, 12 20123, Milano
LAND OF ENCHANTMENT di GIULIA AGOSTINI A SOLO SHOW CURATED BY PIERRE ANDRÉ PODBIELSKI E MAUD GREPPI PRESS RELEASE A quick introduction of the show:https://podbielskicontemporary.com/giulia-agostini_25102022_lq/ 28.09 - 2.12 2022 Opening Hours: Tue-Fri: 2.30pm - 7pmSaturday: by appointment Where: PODBIELSKI CONTEMPORARYVia Vincenzo Monti, 12...
MIRABILIA 14.09 - 19.11 2023 Silvia Camporesi solo show The artist turned her gaze to unusual places, opening up to private, lesser-known, and therefore intriguing, spaces that flowed past her.She has dedicated five years, from 2017 to 2023, to this 'journey through Italy' to give us a new portrait, made up of bizarre buildings and natural or...
A Group show curated by pierre andrÉ podbielski and maud greppi Featuring the following artists: Giulia Agostini, Silvia Camporesi, Marina Caneve, Augusto Cantamessa, Fabrizio Ceccardi, Giulio di Sturco, Massimiliano Gatti, Gail Albert Halaban, Thomas Jorion, Andreas Lang, Ohad Matalon, Beatrice Minda, Lori Nix, Giulia...
Beatrice Minda | Dark Whispers
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: We are glad to announce that the exhibition has been extended until March 4th, 2022! Beatrice Minda | DARK WHISPERS December 2nd - January 28th 2022 Opening | December 2nd | 2.30 pm-8pm ____ Opening times: Tue – Fri | 2.30-7pm Saturday | by appointment only
Nicola Lo Calzo | Binidittu
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: NICOLA LO CALZO | Binidittu In collaboration with CAMERA (Centro Italiano per la Fotografia) October 6th - November 27th 2021 Opening | 5th October, 2-8 pm ____ Opening times: Tue – Fri | 2.30-7pm Saturday by appointment
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: NOT ONLY HISTORY, BUT OUR MEMORIES Curated by Carlo Sala Opening Wednesday 28th April 2021 | 2.30-9.00 pm featuring the following artists: Silvia Bigi | Marina Caneve | Federico Clavarino | Francesca Catastini | Massimiliano Gatti | Giulia Parlato | Jacopo Valentini Press Release ITA PODBIELSKI...
ORE SOSPESE. Un diario italiano
Due to health restrictions,the exhibition has been extended until March 19th, 2021! Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: ORE SOSPESE. Un diario italiano Curated by Pierre André Podbielski and Maud Greppi Opening Thursday 15th October 2020 | 2.30-8.30 pm featuring the following artists: Luigi Ghirri |Augusto Cantamessa | Ilaria Abbiento...
PLEASURE GARDEN Curated by Pierre André Podbielski Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: PLEASURE GARDEN | Curated by Pierre André Podbielski, with essays by Angela Madesani and Francesca Interlenghi. The show will be extended until September 30th. Opening Wednesday 2nd September 2020 | 18:00-21:00 In the meantime don't forget to take a...
Thomas Jorion | Veduta
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: THOMAS JORION | Solo Show VEDUTA 10.12 – 31.01 | 2020 PODBIELSKI CONTEMPORARY Via Vincenzo Monti 12, 20123 | Milano | Italy Press Release Selected photos at Podbielski Contemporary: https://www.podbielskicontemporary.com/Thomas-Jorion/ Visit: www.podbielskicontemporary.com
Giulio Di Sturco | GANGA MA
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: GIULIO DI STURCO | Solo Show from 24th September up to 15th November 2019 Prolonged until November 29th Opening | 24th September 6pm-9pm “Se Ganga vive, vive anche l’India. Se Ganga muore, muore anche l’India.” Vandana Shiva, scrittrice e ambientalista indiana (estratto dal saggio che accompagna...
Gail Albert Halaban | OUT MY WINDOW
Curated by Francesca Malgara | Opening May Wednesday 29th | 18 - 21 | In connection with the show, there’ll be a book signing of the catalogue “Italian Views”, which will be published by Aperture in April 2019. Dal 28 maggio fino al 5 luglio 2019, gli spazi della galleria Podbielski Contemporary ospiteranno Out My Window, mostra che...
Massimiliano Gatti | LEVANTE
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: LEVANTE | Photographs by Massimiliano Gatti | Curated by Maud Greppi | With an essay edited by Angela Madesani Milano, 28 marzo 2018 - Di fronte agli eventi che hanno interessato la politica internazionale di questi ultimi anni, si impone la necessità di gettare luce su ciò che paesi come Siria e...
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: BYE BYE BERLIN! HELLO MILAN! Andrea Botto | Shadi Ghadirian | Leonora Hamill | Francesco Jodice | Thomas Jorion | Yussof Knauss | Natascha Küderli | Andréas Lang | Ohad Matalon | Loredana Nemes | Benyamin Reich | Noga Shtainer | Dubravka Vidović | Won Seoung Won FEBRUARY 06TH 2018 - FEBRUARY 23RD...
DARK WHISPERS | Beatrice Minda
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: DARK WHISPERS BEATRICE MINDA - Stipendiatin "AArtists in Residence 2017" - NOVEMBER 11TH 2017 - JANUARY 20TH 2018
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: THE WALL | Solo Show 14 SEPTEMBER – 11 NOVEMBER 2017 curated by Dr. Christiane Stahl (Director Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung) Kai Wiedenhöfer | Edmund Clark | Ohad Matalon | Francesco Jodice | Sibylle Bergemann | Arno Fischer | Ute Mahler | Ulrich WüstHarf Zimmermann | Rudi Meisel | Gundula Schulze Eldowy |...
Bilder der Erinnerung
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Bilder der Erinnerung JUNE - SEPTEMBER 2017 Die Künstlerin Gesche Würfel, der Galerist Pierre André Podbielski und der Familienforscher Dr. Marc Jarzebowski setzen sich mit unterschiedlichen Perspektiven auf den Umgang mit der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus auseinander. Folgende Fragen spielen hierbei...
Undefined Spaces
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Undefined Spaces | Stefano Cerio - Natascha Küderli - Yuval Yairi 06 JULY - 02 SEPTEMBER 2017 Über die Ausstellung Stefano Cerio (*1962) fotografiert Freizeitparadiese – bei Nacht. Außerhalb gängiger Öffnungszeiten hinterfragt er die Sinnhaftigkeit der bunten Fassaden und arbeitet deren Brüche und...
Nobody Told Me
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Francesco Jodice | Nobody Told Me APRIL – JULY 2017 Podbielski Contemporary is pleased to announce the second solo exhibition of Francesco Jodice in Berlin. The Italian artist, photographer and filmmaker, Francesco Jodice (*1967) is exhibiting his international retrospective “Panorama” at Fotomuseum...
Thomas Jorion | Vestige d’Empire
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: THOMAS JORION | Vestiges d' Empire - Spuren des Imperiums 16 MARCH– 19 APRIL 2017 Podbielski Contemporary is pleased to announce the second solo show in Berlin of the French artist Thomas Jorion from March 4th 2017 to April 22th, 2017. Thomas Jorion’s photographs remind us a forgotten chapter of...
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: GANDRÉAS LANG | ECLIPSE (a selection) NOVEMBER 2016 – FEBRUARY 2019 über die Serie "Eclipse" (dieser Text ist ein Auszug aus dem Essay von H.M. Koetzle | Katalog zur Ausstellung “Andréas Lang – Eclipse“ (München 2008) ) „Vergangenheit ist ein zentraler Begriff in der Arbeit von Andreas Lang. Man könnte...
Nadelstreifen | Pinstripe
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: LOREDANA NEMES | Nadelstreifen - Pinstripe 8 SEPTEMBER – 19 NOVEMBER 2016 Loredana Nemes’ work created in 2015 and 2016 is dedicated to a social group unknown to her – the banker. During the past years bankers have very much become the focus of the mass media due to the negative image they relay in...
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: PIERLUIGI PUSOLE | P/16 16 JUNE – 3 SEPTEMBER 2016 The show displays an important group of drawings that testify the typical dualism in Pusole’s paintings, in which essence and existence, real and imaginary, visible and invisible communicate in order to create a dreamlike universe. “The Turin artist...
AGGADA | אגדה
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Benyamin Reich | Aggada | אגדה 12 MAY – 9 JUNE 2016 Die Galerie Podbielski Contemporary präsentiert Benyamin Reich mit seiner Ausstellung “Aggada | אגדה”, einer fotografischen Erzählung über das von intensiver Identitätssuche geprägte Leben des Künstlers, die gleichsam verbindend berichtet von zwei...
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: GIULIO DI STURCO | Solo Show 20 FEBRUARY – 23 APRIL 2016 Shadi Ghadirian| Francesco Jodice| Thomas Jorion| Yussof Knauss |Andréas Lang| Ohad Matalon| Beatrice Minda |Agnese Purgatorio | Leandro Quintero| Heiko Räpple| Dubravka Vidović |WON Seoung Won
Wagenburg & Near Conscious
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: NOGA SHTAUNER | Wagenburg & Near Conscious 25 NOVEMBER 2015 – 13 FEBRUARY 2016 curated by Jihan Radjai
Back to the Future
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Back to the Future 18 SEPTEMBER– 21 NOVEMBER 2015 Heiko Räpple & Sebastian Riemer curated by Gérard Godrow
Breaking News II
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: GIULIO DI STURCO | Solo Show 16 MAY – 31 JULY 2019 Shadi Ghadirian | Leonora Hamill | Francesco Jodice | Thomas Jorion | Ohad Matalon | WON Seoung Won ! Yussof Knauss | Loredana Nemes | Agnese Purgatorio
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: 8 MAY 2015 Andrea BottoBook Presentation
Berlin performs!
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Berlin performs! presented Manar ZuabiSolo Performance – Elevator Pitch: Elevator Speech curated by Prof. Dieta Sixt
Burma / Myanmar – In the Flow of Slowness
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Burma / Myanmar – In the Flow of Slowness | Yussuf Knauss 16 APRIL 2015
A Portrait of a Lady
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: A Portrait of a Lady 27 MARCH – 11 APRIL 2015 Shadi Ghadirian | Loredana Nemes | Noga Shtainer |Won Seoung Won
Learning by Heart
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: AGNESE PURGATORIO | Learning by Heart 30 JANNUARY – 21 MARCH 2015 curated by Prof. Martina Corgnati Podbielski Contemporary is pleased to present artist Agnese Purgatorio with her most recent series Learning by heart, shown for the first time in Berlin and curated by Professor Martina Corgnati....
The Presentation
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Loredana Nemes: The Presentation 22 NOVEMBER 2014 – 17 JANUARY 2015 When the carnival season transforms the streets of western Germany, Loredana Nemes sets up a black cloth near Aachen Town Hall, places a chair in front of it and then chooses people from the surrounding chaos and invites them to...
Across a dark Land
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: OHAD MATALOM | ACROSS A DARK LAND 16 – 19 MAY 2019 Photo Exhibition was part of the 6th European Month of Photography Berlin.
Italian Connection
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Andrea Botto | Giovanni Chiaramonte | Francesco Jodice | Raffaela Mariniello 19 JULY - 11 SEPTEMBER 2014 Die diesjährigen Sommerausstellung Italian Connection bei Podbielski Contemporary ist eine Gruppenausstellung italienischer Fotografen. Es werden Fotografien aus den vergangenen 30 Jahren...
Rooms of Rememberance
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Rooms of Rememberance Leonora Hamill & Noga Shtainer 30th May 2014 – 12nd July 2014
Sceptical Orgy
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Sceptical Orgy Won Seoung WON22nd March 2014 – 17th May 2014curated by Jung me Chai Opening, 21 March, 7 pm Whilst being a student at the Art Academy of Dusseldorf (M.F.A. 2002) WON Seoung Won received a lot of attention for her series: My favourite room (Wunschzimmer; 2000-2002). Her works...
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: BREAKING NEWS 2011-2014 Shadi Ghadirian | Leonora Hamill | Francesco Jodice | Thomas Jorion | Ohad Matalon | Leandro Quintero | Hrair Sarkissian | Dubravka Vidović 5th February 2014 – 15th March 2014 Opening, 4 February, 7 pm Podbielski Contemporary is pleased to announce the celebration of its...
Monte Verità
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Monte Verità Dubravka Vidović16th November 2013 – 18th January 2014 Opening, November 15, 2013, 7 pm Podbielski Contemporary is delighted to house the second personal show of the Croatian artist, Dubravka Vidović. As already witnessed in her previous show, Exile (a poetic and evocative tribute to...
Timeless Islands
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Timeless Islands Thomas Jorion 13th September 2013 – 9th November 2013 Podbielski Contemporary is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of Thomas Jorion (*1976) in Berlin. Already the title of the exhibition embodies the concept behind the existing artistic career of Thomas Jorion:...
Close to Asia
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Close to Asia Leonora Hamill | Francesco Jodice | Thomas Jorion | Dubravka Vidovic8th June 2013 – 31st August 2013 Podbielski Contemporary is pleased to announce the annual Summer Group Show entitled Close to Asia. Based on the views of various mostly architectural impressions the exhibition...
Francesco Jodice
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Francesco Jodice 23rd March – 23rd May, 2013curated by Gigliola Foschi Intent on proposing shows in which art, ethics and civil responsibility converge, Podbielski Contemporary, after having recently presented the Israeli artist Ohad Matalon and the Iranian artist Shadi Ghadirian, will now...
An Ordinary Life
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: An Ordinary Life Leandro Quintero9th February 2013 – 16th March 2013 9th Februar – 16th March, 2013 Opening, 8th February, 7 pm The sharp irony, direct simplicity and dislocated allure of Leandro Quintero‘s meta-aesthetic visual collages, trace a connection with an earlier generation of re/perceivers,...
Cherchez la Femme
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Cherchez la Femme Shadi Ghadirian10th November 2012 - 19th January 2013 Shadi Ghadirian Cherchez la Femme 10 November, 2012 – 19 January, 2013 Opening 9 November, 2012, 7 pm The photographer Shadi Ghadirian (b. Tehran 1974) is internationally recognised as a pioneering figure of the new wave of...
Souvenirs d’Italie
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Souvenirs d'Italie Raffaela Mariniello15th September 2012 - 30th October 2012 curated by Achille Bonito Oliva On Friday September 14th, 2012 at 19.00 Podbielski Contemporary in Berlin hosts the first solo exhibition of Raffaela Mariniello (*1961, Naples) in Germany. Raffaela Mariniello’s...
On Liminality and other alluring Places
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: On Liminality and other alluring Places Andréas Lang | Christiana Pallandri7th July 2012 – 8th September 2012 concept: Nico Anklam Opening 6 July 2012, 7 pm The new show at Podbielski Contemporary brings together for the first time photographic works of Andréas Lang and sculptures...
Art in Progress
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Art in Progress Leonora Hamill10th March 2012 – 29th April 2012curated by Gigliola Foschi Podbielski Contemporary is pleased to present Art in Progress, the first solo exhibition in Germany by the Franco-British artist Leonora Hamill, winner of the 2012 Prix HSBC pour la Photographie. Art...
The Zone
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: The Zone Ohad Matalon21st January 2012 – 25th February 2012 in cooperation with Tavi Art Gallery (Tel Aviv)curated by Sagi Refael Podbielski Contemporary is pleased to present 'The Zone', the first solo exhibition in Germany of the established Israeli photographer Ohad Matalon. 'The Zone'...
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Exil Dubravka Vidovic18th March 2011 – 21st April 2011guest curator: Gigliola Foschi Exil | Dubravka Vidović Guest Curator: Gigliola Foschi 19 March 2011 – 21 April 2011 Inauguration: 18 March 2011, 7pm Dubravka Vidović observes the fragile life of things, even the most humble, the most abandoned of...
Moving Worlds
Podbielski Contemporary proudly presenting: Moving Worlds Yael Bartana | Danica Dakic | Adrian Paci | Lidwien van de Ven | Paola Yacoub29th January 2011 – 16th February 2011 curated by Isabelle de le Court