Giulia Parlato

Giulia Parlato


Giulia Parlato (nata nel 1993) è un’artista italiana con base a Londra e Palermo.  Ha conseguito un BA (Hons) Photography al London College of Communication nel 2016 e al MA Photography al Royal College of Arts nel 2019.

La sua pratica scava nelle storie, nei miti e nel patrimonio culturale, servendosi della fotografia e del video. Analizza l’uso storico della fotografia come documento di verità, in particolare nei suoi usi scientifici e forensi, e sfida questo linguaggio, creando un nuovo spazio in cui si svolgono storie false. Lo stato malinconico e frustrante, causato dall’impossibilità dell’uomo di comprendere il passato, costituisce il fondamento del suo lavoro.

La ricerca di Giulia viene regolarmente esposta a livello nazionale e internazionale in mostre collettive e personali tra cui: Photo London Fair (Londra, 2020), Photo Fringe (Brighton, 2020), Palazzo Rasponi 2 (Ravenna, 2020), Galleria Cavour per Photo Open Up (Padova, 2020), Gare Du Nord per Paris Photo (Parigi 2019), Kunstgebaude per Soft Power Palace Festival (Stoccarda, 2018); ed è presente in numerose pubblicazioni stampate ed online.

Talks e commissioni includono: Paris Photo, The Photographers’ Gallery e Art Licks.

È membro fondatore di Ardesia Projects, piattaforma curatoriale dedicata alla fotografia contemporanea, e del Collettivo Carte Blanche.

Il lavoro di Giulia è stato acquisito all’interno di importanti collezioni pubbliche e private.


Giulia Parlato (b.1993) is an Italian visual artist based in London and Palermo.  She graduated from the BA(Hons) Photography at London College of Communication in 2016 and from the MA Photography at the Royal College of Arts in 2019.

Her practice delves into histories, myths and cultural heritage, involving photography and video. She analyses the historical use of photography as a document of truth, specifically in its scientific and forensic uses, and challenges this language, by creating a new space in which staged scenes take place. The melancholic and frustrating state, caused by humans’ impossibility to understand the past constitutes the foundation of her work.

Giulia’s work is shown nationally and internationally in group and solo exhibitions including: Photo London Fair (London, 2020), Photo Fringe (Brighton, 2020), Palazzo Rasponi 2 (Ravenna, 2020), Galleria Cavour for Photo Open Up (Padova, 2020), Gare Du Nord for Paris Photo (Paris 2019), Kunstgebaude for Soft Power Palace Festival (Stuttgart, 2018); and featured extensively in printed and online publications. Talks and Commissions include: Paris Photo, The Photographers’ Gallery and Art Licks.

She is a founder member of Ardesia Projects, curatorial platform dedicated to contemporary photography, and of The Carte Blanche Collective.

Giulia’s work is in public and private collections

Selected exhibitions

Solo show

2020 |Diachronicles, Photo Open Up, Galleria Cavour, Festival Internazionale di Fotografia, Padova, Italy
2020 | Diachronicles, Palazzo Rasponi 2, Ravenna, Italy

Group show

2021 | Metafotografia, BACO, Bergamo, Italy.

2021 | A Cohesion of Light, Revolv Collective, Peckham 24, London, UK.

2021 | Futures, Tbilisi Photo Festival, Tbilisi, Georgia.

2021 | Italia 90, Condominio, Milano, Italy

2021 | Not Only History But Our Memories, Podbielski Contemporary Gallery, Milano, Italy.

2021 | XLVI Space, Relics Future & Past.

2020 | New Talents 2020, PEP, B-Part, Berlin, Germany.

2020 | Artivist Wall,C20 Summit, G20 Saudi Arabia.

2019 | Premio Francesco Fabbri, Fondazione Francesco Fabbri, Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligo, Italy.

2019 | RCA Show, Royal College of Art, London.

2019 | Atlas of Forms, Ardesia Projects, Soft Power Palace Festival, Kunstgebäude, Stuttgart.


2021 | Futures, Selected by Camera Centro Italiano Per La Fotografia

2021 | C/O Berlin Talent Award, Nominee

2020 | BJP IPA Joint-Second Place  Innovate Grant 

2020 | Camera Work PR2 

2019 | Carte Blanche éstudiant, founded by Paris Photo, Picto Foundation, and SNCF Gares & Connexions 

2019 | Travers Smith CSR Art Programme 


Selected works