Opening hoursTUESDAY – SATURDAYH 15 – 19via Vincenzo Monti 12, MilanoCurrent ExhibitionTHOMAS JORIONsolo exhibition23.01 – 21.03.2025Upcoming fairMIA PHOTO FAIR 2025Eva Arnold, Cristina De MiddelMarch 20 – 23, 2025Upcoming ExhibitionEVE ARNOLDcurated by Francesca Filippini PintoOPENING on Thursday 27 March2025 | h 6.30 pm – 9 pmVia Vincenzo Monti 12, 20123 Milano | +39 0236747219 | info@podbielskicontemporary.comNews and eventsTHOMAS JORIONSolo exhibition. New works from the series “Vestiges d’Empire” and “Veduta. Opening 23.01.2025ON “la repubblica”: Loredana Nemes – greytree and heavensea« Older EntriesNext Entries »Upcoming Exhibitions & Fairs Updates coming soon
THOMAS JORIONSolo exhibition. New works from the series “Vestiges d’Empire” and “Veduta. Opening 23.01.2025