Opening hoursTUESDAY – SATURDAYH 15 – 19SEASON’S GREETINGSClosed from December 22nd to January 6th, 2025Current ExhibitionCHARITY EXHIBITIONIn support of Medici Senza Frontierewith unreleased photographs by Pierre André PodbielskiOpening 11.12.2024Upcoming ExhibitionTHOMAS JORIONsolo exhibitionOpening Thursday January 23rdUpcoming fairARTEFIERA 2025February 7 – 9, 2025Giorgia Severi, Nicola Lo Calzo, Thomas JorionVia Vincenzo Monti 12, 20123 Milano | +39 0236747219 | info@podbielskicontemporary.comNews and eventsON “la repubblica”: Loredana Nemes – greytree and heavensea“GREYTREE AND HEAVENSEA”: LOREDANA NEMES SOLO SHOWFull article« Older EntriesNext Entries »Upcoming Exhibitions & FairsTHOMAS JORIONThomas Jorion solo exhibitionNext Entries »